Kingdom Empowerment, Inc. (KEIFM) Radio - Kingdom Girl's, Talk Show Host, Roxanne Brown-Robinson and Co-Host Jazzmine Magloire interviews Elaine French.
C. Elaine French Bio
Elaine French was born in London, England to parents Irene and Raphael Nelson. Her family transitioned to the United States making their home for over a decade in Brooklyn, New York.
Elaine's life has been totally transformed through her deep connection with music. She is an anointed music minister and enjoys singing with every fiber of her being to the Lord. She is an articulate prophetic voice who shares the love of God with whomever she comes into contact with using compassion and wisdom as she speaks her heart. Her desire is to use her God-given gifting/ability to bring healing and joy to the hearer and glory to God.
She resides in Southern Maryland where she has been happily married to Pastor Stephen French.
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