KEITV12: The Kingdom Hour - Rev. Dr. Donna Ghanney Interviews Pastor Tom...

Rev. Dr. Donna Ghanney interviews Pastor Tommy C. Mann on "The Kingdom Hour".
Topic: Asleep in Heaven's Nursery
Pastor Tommy C. Mann shares an intimate real life testimony about his loss of beloved child.
About Pastor Tommy C. Mann
Tommy is the Pastor of Putman Baptist Church in Buffalo, South Carolina. He is also a failed politician, and the author of seven books that have not yet reached the Best Seller's List. Tommy writes about Christian apologetics, politics, sports, and anything else that's on his mind.
He is a graduate of Arlington Baptist College, and has served in the ministry for 12 years (plus a brief stint as a sports writer). An Orlando native, Tommy and his wife and children now call South Carolina home.
Learn more about Pastor Tommy C. Mann here:
Tommy is available for interviews or to speak on various topics, including his conservative political views, theological beliefs, or on the content of his books. Since 2009 Tommy has appeared on radio and television shows across the country.
Learn more about Pastor Tommy C. Mann here:
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