KEITV12: The Kingdom Hour - Rev. Dr. Donna Ghanney Interviews Eduardo Qu...

Rev. Dr. Donna Ghanney Interviews Eduardo Quintana on "The Kingdom Hour".
Topic: Training Men Up in the Way They Should Go!
About Eduardo Quintana
Eduardo Quintana is the founder of Manly Training Ministries in which is designed to be a resource for men globally to understand their Christian mandate to be fathers and men that will uphold the family structure of their homes. He is the co-author of a book "Christian Dads on Fatherhood/God is Great and So is My Dad" along with Doug Lauffer and several other men. This book is written to have a wealth of Godly wisdom that can help fathers and father figures that need help and encouragement in their Godly roles. 
November, 2017 is "National Adoption Month" and Eduardo is looking to get people excited about it, and engaged in the command that we "the church" be the means for which the orphans and the widows find assistance and family. 
Learn More about Eduardo Quintana and Manly Training here:
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