The Kingdom Hour: Donna Ghanney Interviews Author, Cynthia Ruchti

Kingdom Empowerment, Inc.'s Talk Show Host - Dr. Donna Ghanney Interviews  on "The Kingdom Hour on Monday, February 18, 2019 at 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST. 

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About Our Guest: Cynthia Ruchti

Cynthia Ruchti tells stories hemmed-in-Hope through award-winning fiction and nonfiction, and through speaking events for women. After writing and producing a radio broadcast for 33 years, her first book was published in 2010 and book number 31 released in October with more on the horizon. Cynthia serves as the professional relations liaison for American Christian Fiction Writers and is a literary agent with the Books & Such Literary Management Agency. She and her grade school sweetheart husband live in the heart of Wisconsin, not far from their three children and five grandchildren with another to arrive in August.

Learn more about Cynthia Ruchti:   Worship song "Pierce Me" and the main character's love song for his wife "This is Not How Our Story Ends"
